At our online AGM, on February 23, we held an election of officers for the positions of Vice-chairperson and Secretary as per our constitution. The Board welcomes Stephen Griffin as Vice-chairperson and Sally Goddard as Secretary. Both officers will serve a two-year term. In February of 2023, elections will be held for the position of Chairperson and Treasurer being held by Steve Walsh and John Doyle.
Our Board thanks outgoing Vice-chairperson, John Kennedy, for all his work over the past term. John will continue to be an active board member serving as Chair of our Veterans Memorial Subcommittee and serving on many other Association’s committees.
In attendance at our AGM was Joedy Wall, MHA for the District of Cape St. Francis, Town Councillors, Bob Cadigan and Shannon Power, and 5 residents from our Town. Our Association thanks all guests for their continuing support.