Our Association has teamed up with the Town of LBMCOC and St. Francis of Assisi School for a Book Sale Fundraiser set for Thursday, December 1, from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm at the school gym. The Book Sale is Cash Only. All proceeds will go to the school’s extracurricular program.
If you have books to drop off for the sale you can deliver them to the Town Office: Monday to Friday, November 14 – 18 & 21-25 between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Gently Used Books covering most genres: romance, mystery, self-help, gardening, cooking, sports, music, hobbies, science fiction, children, teens, and literature. No magazines, periodicals, encyclopedias, or dictionaries please.
Follows on Facebook for further updates.